Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The Mr. Clean Eraser

I love the Mr. Clean Eraser!  It works as advertised and then some.  This thing is great at getting soap scum off the shower walls. When we lived in the condo the shower would collect soap scum like nobody's business.  I tried everything to get it clean including Tilex, Lysol, Soft Scrub and lots of elbow grease with no luck.  Then I tried the Mr. Clean Eraser and the scum just came right off.  I have since used it on my stainless steel since to get it shinny.  It works great for marks on the walls and my mom has actually gotten a stain out of fabric with it.  When in doubt in my house you grab the Mr. Clean Eraser!!

Love it or Hate it?

Welcome to my new blog! My name is Kate and I am a mother of a 2 year old and the wife of a wonderful man. In my role as mom/wife/homemaker I get exposed to lots of different products/toys/services. Therefore I decided to put together this blog as a place where my friends and I can post our reviews of all these products that we use on a day to day basis. I hope this blog can be a place to gather and share our experiences with what things we like and what things we hate. It is always annoying to try something new, end up hating and then finding out that your best friend already tried it and hated it too. Could have saved you a lot of trouble. So let's dish! What do you love and what do you hate!!!!!